22 October 2011

How old is your son?

Kind and  helpful my friend Dr. Anil Lamba is also a brilliant teacher.  Author and producer of a range of educational courses particularly on finance, he often weaves stories into his program to illuminate a view.

Reproduced here is a real life incident he narrated during a program I attended.
Once while traveling by train Anil's co-passengers included a couple and their little son.

Midway through the journey the ticket checker  came and began verifying the tickets of the passengers. He checked the tickets of this young family. They had two adult tickets for themselves and a half fare ticket for their boy.

The checker smiled at the boy enquired from the father "Your son is handsome, how old is he?'

The father replied; "he is seven."

After the checker left, another co-passenger remarked, "You know  your son is rather small built for his age.  He does not look like he is seven.  You could have easily passed him off as a five year old or younger. No one would have known any better and you could have avoided spending money on his ticket ."  (Children below the age of five need not buy a ticket)

The father smiled and said "You are right, no one else would know, but my son would know. That my dear Sir, is something I prefer not to teach my son."

Those who want to know more about Dr. Anil Lamba can visit www.lamconschool.com


  1. Balakrishna Adiga said;

    Isn't it really funny that we start celebrating such small acts of honesty, which should be as natural as breathing? Reflects the realities of bhrastachar zamaana.

    Someone much wiser than me once truly said : "From the crooked timber of humanity, nothing straight ever came out"

    Adiga Balakrishna

  2. Hey!

    This is my view.

    Man is a social creature. He tries to conform with the majority so when everyone is stealing and cheating then it appears to be ok to do the same.

    Leadership starting from our parents, siblings, friends, bosses, colleagues, and so on radiating to national international heads of government and commerce create the paradigm for survival and 'progress'.
    What do they say and more important what do they do?

    There is no doubt that the world is in a disappointing state. Could it b that it was always a mess but we were blissfully under-informed earlier?

    I try to be a role model for my children , my wife, my friends, my employees, and my associates.

    I try to find and share the good in individuals and groups with others and whoever cares to listen and read.

    I reserve my criticism for people who are in leadership positions because they have owe greater accounatability due to their higher impact and influence on others.


  3. Nanik Buxani said;

    Dear Gurvinder, its a good one.Hope all ok with you and family.

  4. Sardar Dilawar Arora said;

    Very nice article dear. Your each mail is a new page of my book. All email have been stored in a folder.
    GOD bless u

  5. Anish Poojara said;

    Nice, njoyed reading.

  6. Sonia Anand said;

    Hello Uncle
    Sat Sri Akal

    I must say you write really well. Your articles are short, crisp and interesting. Honestly, earlier i didn't get whose articles I was reading.

    In your previous article (Autograph) I was able to connect Pavit’s story...and realized that you were sending me these articles.

    I enjoy reading what you write. Thanks for sharing.

    Warm Regards

  7. Anil Pillai said;

    So simple and yet so profound a lesson.


  8. Dr SM Acharya said;

    Yes I will get in touch with him, as Anil Lamba is my very old friend. Thank you.


    Nature Cure & Spinal Rehab Centre,
    155 St. Patrick's Town, Pune 411013,
    Ph: +91-20-26870204, Cell: 91-9422314693,
    Email:smacharya@yahoo.co.uk Website: www.atbsnr.com


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