18 July 2018

Marital Rape and Robbery.

The Delhi High Court, is currently hearing pleas seeking to make marital rape an offence. The honourable judges say that ".........The man will have to prove that she was a consenting party,”

Here the accused will have to prove his innocence. This is against all principles of natural justice. 

While on this topic a reader once posed a question.

'If the man can be accused of rape for supposedly having sex without his wife's consent. Can the man charge his wife with robbery, if she supposedly spends his hard earned money without his consent?'

A husband and wife are almost always capable of resolving their own issues or come to an understanding provided there is little or no interference by the State. Once the government and judiciary gets involved into the personal and intimate lives of people, it always causes great harm to liberty. It also promotes abuse and exploitation by the state which fuels corruption.

A draconian law is necessary when it has impact on the vast majority and not the freak cases. History has always shown that greater the number of laws more corrupt the society.

Critics say that misplaced notions of Western feminism driven by their Marxist ideologies is driving these pleas and demands for legislation. 
Their stated goal is to destroy society as it exists. A key target for destruction is the family institution, for it is the most fundamental unit of society.  

No judiciary or government can ever replace the role and responsibilities of man and woman in a marriage. 

In USA where such legislation has been passed. The number of people getting married has dropped by over 60% since then. 
Worse 50% of children now come home to a no parent or single parent home when they return from school.

Homes broken by excessive government and judicial intervention can only lead to a broken society. 
How can that be a good thing? 

Unless their objective is to destroy the institution of marriage. They must allow long established and successful social and community institutions to function and help counsel the couples.

Tell others what you think. 
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