01 March 2016

Perception lasts longer than fact.

lasts longer than fact.

Life is defined by change. If it is alive, it will change.
People change, families, organisations and societies also change, even countries change.

Based on our 'education', social and familial conditioning, media and our own experiences we judge and categorise everything we get an input on. Thus layer by layer our individual reality is constructed.

These categorisations become what we call perceptions. These become our 'truths'. What is good, what is bad, what is dangerous what is beneficial? Who or what is to be followed or ignored? Etc. etc.

It is natures way of allowing us to cope with life by constructing for us 'our  reality'. The longer we live, the more rigid the edifice of our reality becomes.

Now when we encounter something which is overwhelmingly at odds with our perceptions, we grow uneasy, and become disoriented. This is why we refuse to see facts until they cannot be ignored anymore, and helps explain why perception always lags behind reality. 


Wise people, like small children, have no preconceived perceptions, they are intensely curious, non judgemental and very open to change. 

It is the hallmark of a wise person to experience life and entertain thoughts without making judgments."

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